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My Long Lost Pal

Gabriel, as his posts on the site reveal, has retreated into the games of youth - and now, having consumed them, has found himself bereft. I'm sorta in the same place; I've installed three comfort games over the last week. Last night I installed Paladins, which I unironically think is more fun than Overwatch. And I mean good, old Overwatch. Recent reviews are mixed, but I don't know why; in service games, communities use reviews to "communicate" with developers but I don't know precisely what they're "communicating" about because I only installed it yesterday.  

Sad State of Play

By Gabe – May 31, 2024

The Concord cinematic feels like what you would get if you asked Chat GPT to make you a Marvel movie. I can’t believe they threatened to release one of these story trailers every week once it launches! At least the new Astro Bot game looks cool. 

-Gabe Out


Chirmp Chormpz

Sometimes I think that I like things a normal amount, when I like them a completely crazy amount or that I should, in all seriousness, hesitate to broadcast openly. The last time this happened I was like "obviously, I like Transformers like any normal person who came of age in the particular context I arose in" but that's not true at all. I want to open my ribcage and find there the Matrix of Leadership, which I will use to imbue machines with sentience - with the vibration of sacred life.

Black Remnant!

It's Tuesday, and it will soon be 2:30pm PST - which means our Battletech wargame/RPG hybride Black Remnant has returned to the fore.  I am joined by gamemaster Eric Benson and friend Kiko Villasenor and it is NOT SERIOUS until such time as it is VERY serious. Check it out!



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