Lovingly curated and expertly authenticated preloved designer fashion. Our collections include some of the world’s best designers such as Gucci, Chanel, YSL, Burberry and more. We're trusted within the fashion industry and partner with many leaders including Farfetch, The Iconic, Vestiaire Collective, Net-A-Porter, Minto, Yoox and eBay. Collectively we facilitate the circular economy and reduce wastage by enabling pre-loved luxury goods to be reborn and re-loved. We have also launched our resell service, Azura Reborn Resell, within Australia and have partnered with re-sale experts, Luxclusif, who are owned by well-know luxury fashion site, Farfetch. Together we are proud to offer one of the easiest end-to-end processes for reselling items and giving them a second lease on life.
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