Station closed on the date selected.
Station unavaiable for new reservations.
Station closed on the date selected.
Station unavaiable for new reservations.

Our partners say...

8.7 / 10 RentalCars
8.8 / 10 Rent Cars
9.4 / 10 Kayak
8.7 / 10 Momondo
8.8 / 10 AutoEurope
9.4 / 10 Discover car Hire
8 / 10 Expedia
8.4 / 10 DoyouSpain
8.9 / 10 CarTrawler
9.5 / 10 AutoRentals

Why Choose Guerin?

  • Free cancellation: you may cancel your reservation at no charge up to 48 hours prior to your trip
  • Wide range of models: at Guerin, you will find the best solution for renting passenger cars, commercial vehicles and 9-seater vans!
  • Online Check-In: check in online and avoid queues. Your trip is waiting for you.
  • Always close at hand: Guerin has stations around the country. Pick up and drop off your vehicle at any of our 55 stations. 

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Booking 24 Aeroporto Faro
Rentcars Ponta Delgada 91
RentalCars 24 Aeroporto Ponta Delgada
Booking 24 Aeroporto Funchal
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Booking 24 Aeroporto Lisboa
Booking 24 Aeroporto Ponta Delgada
Booking 24 Aeroporto Porto
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Cinco Estrelas
Rentalcars 2022