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Elevating sustainability

Bespoke Organic Clothing Handmade-to-Order in Greensboro, NC U.S.A. just for you!! Together we make a distinguished difference.

Celebrating 21 Years in Service to Gaia

Hey Y'all, my name is Andrea and in 2003, at the age of 24, I founded Gaia Conceptions with a lofty dream: to create the most ecological apparel possible. I was in college at the time, pursuing a degree in sculpture after switching from a fashion design major a couple of years earlier. The majority of my work centered on developing interactive installations and wearable artworks that raised awareness about environmental contamination.

I had a wide range of interests that all intersected, but I wasn't sure how they all fit together. I wanted my clothing to reflect the lifestyle shifts I was making towards local organic food and sustainable living but it was nearly impossible to find true organic clothing. The small amount of eco clothing available at that time lacked any style or comfort and definitely wasn't made through local organic materials and fair labor production.

This underlying motivation, combined with my love of garment making, inspired me to start a clothing brand focused on organic materials, fair labor, and natural dyes. 

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