Are you ready to end your nicotine addiction?

Quit smoking or vaping with Freedom Laser. Call to schedule your appointment!

Experience a Natural 30-Minute, Drug-Free Approach to Quit Smoking and Vaping

Freedom Laser, LLC, established in 2003, Los Angeles, California, empathizes with those individuals who struggle to quit smoking or vaping each year. The Freedom Laser clinic was founded by a former smoker who successfully quit smoking over two decades ago using low-level laser therapy.

We provide a pain free quit smoking and vaping laser therapy procedure to those who seek permanent relief from nicotine addiction. We take immense pride in helping our clients achieve their goal to live free from nicotine.

Man reclining stress free, seeking Freedom Laser's drug-free nicotine addiction procedure

Most Freedom Laser clients seeking to finally break their nicotine addiction have already experienced disappointment with traditional FDA-approved nicotine replacement therapy methods including patches, gum, and lozenges. They have also tried various pharmacological prescription pills only to encounter unwanted side effects.

Perhaps you have tried going cold turkey or even explored hypnosis, only to find yourself still struggling. As a last resort, many current smokers now find themselves turning to e-cigarettes, hoping for a breakthrough but instead prolonging their addiction.

It's important to know that you are not alone in this frustrating challenge of unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking or vaping.

Since 2003, Freedom Laser has been providing a drug-free solution to assist smokers in permanently overcoming nicotine addiction. Our low-level laser therapy procedure is designed to alleviate nicotine withdrawal symptoms, making the quitting process easier for individuals to stop smoking or vaping.

You, too, can join Freedom Laser's 10,000 clients who never quit at quitting. When you decide to live free from nicotine, trust in Freedom and schedule your appointment to quit.

Experience the Benefits of the Freedom Laser Procedure

  • Embracing freedom with all-natural, drug-free benefits of Freedom Laser Procedure

    All-Natural & Drug Free

    Break free from nicotine addiction without relying on medications or chemicals. Our laser therapy offers a natural alternative to traditional cessation methods.

  • Glowing lungs symbolize combating nicotine withdrawal with low-level laser therapy

    Combat Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms

    Discover relief with the support of low-level laser therapy for nicotine dependency.

  • Man meditating at sunset by the ocean, experiencing calmness and relaxation

    Relaxes the Mind & Body

    Let go of stress and tension as you embark on your journey to a smoke-free life, feeling calm and centered.

Freedom Laser Quit Smoking & Vaping Procedure

Man receiving Freedom Laser's quit smoking low-level laser therapy procedure

🗹 30-Minutes Procedure

🗹 Non-Invasive & Pain Free

🗹 Drug Free & No Known Side Effects

Live Free From Nicotineâ„¢