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Cherished memories in

Crinkled Chiffon

Magical Moments in

Crinkled Chiffon

Whimsical + Fun

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Cuddles with mommy

in Garden Lace



Blog posts

Motherhood: Embracing the Slower Moments

Motherhood: Embracing the Slower Moments

I recently received a text message from a friend that brought me to tears. She painted a picture of a vision she received while praying for me: She saw our whole family "meandering through a be...

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Mompreneurs & Macarons: Spotlight on Kelly Toland

Mompreneurs & Macarons: Spotlight on Kelly Toland

I'm thrilled to introduce our latest blog feature shining a spotlight on the incredible journey of mom-entrepreneur, Kelly Toland. As a fellow mom navigating the exciting yet challenging world of e...

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Going Back To Our Roots Part 3: More Than Just Dresses

Going Back To Our Roots Part 3: More Than Just Dresses

Play. {noun} activity engaged in for enjoyment and recreation, especially by children. Children are truly the best teachers of this. If you ever watch how children play, they seem to never lack f...

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