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  • Outdoor Safety For Puppies
    05.06.24 June 05, 2024 Getting A Puppy Featured

    Outdoor Safety For Puppies

    Welcoming a new puppy into your home is such an exciting time, filled with playful moments and new experiences. However, we know as a new puppy owner you probably have a lot of questions about how to keep your puppy safe and healthy. One of the most frequently asked questions by new puppy owners is about the right time to let their puppies explore the garden or go outside. In this guide, our Pet Experts have given their advice on when the right time is to start letting your puppy go outside and take them on walks. Can I Let My Puppy in the Garden Before Vaccinations? One of the critical aspects of outdoor safety for puppies revolves around vaccinations. A common question many new puppy owners ask is, "Can I let my puppy in the garden before vaccinations?" In the UK, vets generally advise that puppies should not be exposed to public outdoor spaces until they have completed their vaccination course. However, allowing your puppy to explore your private garden is usually encouraged, it will help with their toilet training routine and will start to get them used to being outdoors. Factors to Consider Before Letting Your Puppy In The Garden Cleanliness of the Garden: Ensure that your garden is free from faeces of other animals, which can harbour harmful pathogens. Controlled Environment: A private garden can be a controlled environment where you can monitor your puppy's activities closely. Avoid areas frequented by other dogs. Partial Vaccination: After the first vaccination, it might be safer to let your puppy explore the garden, but always consult with your vet. When Can Puppies Go Outside? Understanding the appropriate time when puppies can go outside is crucial for their health and safety. Typically, puppies can go outside in public spaces after their vaccination schedule is complete, which is usually around 12-16 weeks of age. Key Milestones for Outdoor Activities 8 Weeks Old: Puppies receive their first round of vaccinations. Limited exposure to your private garden is usually safe under supervision. 10-12 Weeks Old: The second round of vaccinations occurs. Consult with your vet to determine if limited outdoor exploration can be extended. 16 Weeks Old: By this age, puppies have usually completed their vaccination course and can safely explore public spaces. When Can Puppies Go Out for Walks? Taking your puppy out for walks is essential for their socialisation and physical health. However, it's vital to ensure they are fully vaccinated before introducing them to public parks or streets. Safe Walking Practices Vaccination Check: Confirm with your vet that your puppy has received all necessary vaccinations. Lead Training: Begin lead training at home and in the garden as soon as your puppy comes home, it’s a really key part of their learning and will make their first walk in wide world a little less daunting. Short Walks: Start with short walks to avoid overwhelming your puppy and gradually increase the duration. Usually it’s recommended that your puppy has 1-2 walks a day for 5 minutes per month of age, e.g at 4 months old this would be around 20 minutes per walk. It’s important to keep their walks low impact whilst they are their bones and joints still developing. Get all your puppy walk essentials here at Lords & Labradors, we spend lots of time hand picking and curating the best essentials for your puppy.  How To Gradually Introduce Your Puppy To The Outdoors Socialisation: Introduce your puppy to different sounds, smells, and sights gradually. Positive Reinforcement: Use treats and praise to make outdoor experiences positive. Safe Environment: Choose safe, clean areas for initial outdoor adventures. Importance of Socialisation For Puppies Young puppies brains are like sponges so getting them used to as many experiences as early as possible will be so beneficial to their development. Meeting Other Dogs: Socialising with other vaccinated dogs in a controlled environment is crucial to your dog’s socialisation. Exposure to Environments: Gradual exposure helps puppies become well-adjusted adult dogs. Meeting Other People: Getting them used to meeting new people and learning to settle around difference people will be so beneficial to your puppy. Enhanced Safety Measures For Your Puppy Sanitised Area: Keep the garden area sanitised and clean. Limit Interaction: Limit your puppy’s interaction with other animals until fully vaccinated. Final Thoughts Ensuring your puppy's safety outdoors requires careful planning and adherence to vaccination schedules. While the garden can be a great place for early exploration, full outdoor adventures should wait until vaccinations are complete. Always consult your vet to tailor a safe outdoor plan for your puppy, ensuring a healthy and happy start to their life. Remember, patience and caution in the early months will set the foundation for a lifetime of safe and joyful outdoor experiences for your beloved pet. Lords & Labradors was starting after our founder, Johanna an experienced puppy breeder, was struggling to find high-quality puppy essentials all in one place. Now we stock luxury products handpicked just for your puppy, explore our puppy emporium and make your puppies dreams come true today. 

    By Megan Willis

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  • Can You Leave A Dog In A Car?
    05.06.24 June 05, 2024 Owning a Dog Featured

    Can You Leave A Dog In A Car?

    As a responsible dog owner, understanding the implications of leaving your dog in a car is crucial. This topic raises several questions: Is it illegal to leave your dog in the car?, Can you leave a dog in a car?, and What are the laws regarding dogs left in cars in the UK? This comprehensive guide aims to answer these questions and provide essential information about leaving dogs in cars. Understanding the Dangers Before delving into the legality and guidelines, it's important to understand why leaving your dog in a car can be dangerous. Even on a mild day, the temperature inside a car can quickly rise to dangerous levels. Dogs are particularly vulnerable to heatstroke, which can be fatal. A dog's body temperature is higher than a human's, and they cannot cool down as efficiently. Is It Illegal to Leave Your Dog in the Car? In the UK, there isn't a specific law that outright states it's illegal to leave your dog in the car. However, the Animal Welfare Act 2006 makes it illegal to mistreat or neglect animals. Under this act, pet owners have a legal duty to ensure the welfare of their pets. Leaving a dog in a car in conditions that could cause suffering or harm falls under neglect and can be prosecuted. Dogs Left in Cars Law UK Under the Animal Welfare Act, if leaving your dog in the car leads to suffering, you could face an unlimited fine and up to six months in prison. The law is clear that causing unnecessary suffering to an animal is a criminal offence. This means that if a passerby or the police deem that your dog is in distress in a car, you could be prosecuted. Safe Temperature to Leave Dog in Car UK While it is generally advised never to leave your dog in a car, if you must do so for a very short period, the temperature outside plays a significant role. Even at temperatures as low as 21°C (70°F), the temperature inside a car can rise to over 40°C (104°F) within an hour, putting your dog at severe risk. On warmer days, this can happen even faster. How Long Can You Leave a Dog in a Car? The safest approach is to never leave your dog in a car alone. However, if you absolutely must, ensure it is for no longer than a few minutes, and always consider the weather. Keep windows slightly open, park in the shade, and provide water, but these measures are not foolproof. Heat can still build up rapidly, leading to potential danger for your dog. Can You Leave a Dog in the Car? Given the risks and potential legal consequences, it is highly discouraged to leave your dog in the car. It's always best to err on the side of caution and avoid it whenever possible. If you are running errands, consider taking your dog with you or leaving them at home in a safe environment. What to Do If You See a Dog Left in a Car If you see a dog left in a car and believe it is in distress, there are steps you can take: Assess the Situation: Check for signs of distress such as panting, drooling, lethargy, or unresponsiveness. Locate the Owner: If possible, try to find the owner. They might be in a nearby store or location. Contact Authorities: If the dog appears to be in immediate danger, call the police or the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). They have the authority to break into the car to rescue the dog if necessary. Record Details: Note the car's make, model, colour, and registration number. This information will be helpful for authorities. Alternatives to Leaving Your Dog in the Car To avoid the risks and legal issues associated with leaving your dog in the car, consider these alternatives: Take Your Dog with You: If the destination is dog-friendly, bring your pet along. Leave Your Dog at Home: In a safe, comfortable environment with water and proper ventilation. Use Dog Daycare Services: Many areas have dog daycare facilities where your pet can be looked after while you run errands. Ask a Friend or Neighbour: If you have a trusted friend or neighbour, see if they can look after your dog temporarily. Conclusion Is it illegal to leave your dog in the car? The answer lies in the potential for harm and distress caused to the dog. In the UK, the Animal Welfare Act ensures that neglect and causing unnecessary suffering to animals are punishable by law. Given the rapid rise in temperature inside vehicles, it is always best to avoid leaving your dog in a car. By understanding the dangers and legal implications, you can ensure the safety and well-being of your furry friend. Remember, when in doubt, always prioritise your pet's health and safety over convenience. Being a responsible pet owner means making decisions that safeguard your pet's welfare, even if it requires extra effort or planning. If you’re looking to keep your dog cool this summer check out our dog cooling collection, it has everything from cooling mats to paddling pools and swim toys to help keep them cool, calm and collected!

    By Megan Willis

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  • Can Dogs Get Colds?
    05.06.24 June 05, 2024 Health Featured

    Can Dogs Get Colds?

    As dog owners, you may often wonder if your furry friends experience illness and discomfort similar to your own. One question we ask ourselves every cold and frosty season is whether our dogs can get the common cold, and if they can, can they catch it directly from their owner? We explore if your dog can ‘catch a cold’ and what we can do to prevent any cold like symptoms in our pets.  Can dogs get the common cold? The simple answer is yes, your dog can get a cold. But rest assured, they are different from the colds us humans experience. They cannot catch the cold virus that causes symptoms in humans. They can however experience symptoms such as sneezing and congestion, caused by certain infections. So no, your dog can’t catch your common cold, but they do experience a ‘dog cold’. Thankfully you won’t be able to catch your dogs cold, and each dog may experience these ‘colds’ differently. Understanding the symptoms, causes, and treatments of canine colds can help you ensure your pet's health and well-being. Understanding Canine Colds Dogs can suffer from respiratory infections that resemble human colds. These infections can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or other pathogens. While these viruses can cause cold-like symptoms, they are specific to dogs and do not typically affect humans. Dogs can ‘catch a cold’ from places where dogs often congregate, such as parks, kennels, fields and other likely places. Your dog’s general environment will also affect their likeliness of catching a disease or virus, such as, damp, poor ventilation, poor hygiene and overcrowding. Other illnesses, such as diabetes, can also weaken your dogs immune system which makes them more prone to infections. Symptoms of a Dog Cold  If your dog has a cold, you might notice symptoms similar to those of a human cold. Common signs include: Runny nose: Just like humans, dogs can have nasal discharge or congestion. Sneezing: Frequent sneezing can indicate a respiratory infection. Coughing: A persistent cough is a common symptom of a canine cold. Watery eyes: Your dog’s eyes might appear watery or irritated. Lethargy: Dogs with colds often exhibit decreased energy levels and may be less active. Loss of appetite: A sick dog might eat less than usual. Mild fever: A very mild fever can accompany a respiratory infection. Not every dog will show every symptom, however it is essential you keep a close eye on your dog and ensure they’re eating and drinking water. If you are concerned about your dogs health, it is important you call your vet for advice. Causes of Canine Colds Several factors can contribute to a dog catching a cold such as, exposure to already infected dogs - canine colds are very contagious. If your dog interacts with an infected dog at a park, kennel, or even on a walk, they are at risk.  Do look out for poor ventilation, as environments with poor air circulation can facilitate the spread of infections, similarly to us humans. Stress is also a big factor, just like in humans, stress can weaken a dog's immune system, making them more susceptible to infections.  If your dog is of a certain age, or has poor health, or even is a young puppy, their immune systems may be more vulnerable to colds.   What to do if you think your dog has a cold While most canine colds are mild and resolve on their own, it’s essential to provide proper care to ensure a swift recovery. Your dogs cold should only last a few day’s, and if symptoms do not improve within this time, or should they get worse, you should contact your veterinarian. Here are some tips to help your dog if you suspect they have a cold: Rest: Ensure your dog gets plenty of rest. Limit their activity and provide a comfortable, warm place to sleep. Hydration: Encourage your dog to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Nutrition: Offer nutritious food, even if they have a reduced appetite. Warming the food slightly can make it more appealing. Avoid Exposure: Keep your dog away from other dogs to prevent spreading the infection. If your dog’s symptoms do persist for more than a few days or worsen, consult your veterinarian, they can rule out more severe conditions and may prescribe medications if necessary. If you think your dog's immune system needs a boost we recommend having a look at the Vet's Best Immune Support tablets, these tasty chewables are packed with plant-based prebiotics and antioxidants which can help boost your dog's immune system and wellbeing.  While dogs can get colds, they typically experience milder symptoms compared to us humans. By recognising the signs and providing appropriate care, you can help your furry friend recover quickly. Always keep an eye on their health and consult a veterinarian if you have any concerns. With proper prevention and care, your dog can enjoy a happy, healthy life free from the sniffles. Here at Lords & Labradors we stock everything your dog could want when recovering from a nasty cold, we've got tasty treats and cuddly toys to help them feel better.

    By Laura Rudd

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  • How to Keep Cats Cool in Summer: Essential Tips for Pet Owners
    27.05.24 May 27, 2024 Owning a Cat Featured

    How to Keep Cats Cool in Summer: Essential Tips for Pet Owners

    As the summer heat intensifies, it's crucial to ensure your feline friends stay cool and comfortable. Cats are particularly sensitive to high temperatures, and excessive heat can lead to serious health issues like heatstroke. In this guide, we'll explore practical strategies for keeping cats cool in summer, providing you with essential tips to help your pet beat the heat. Understanding the Risks of Heat for Cats Before diving into how to keep your cat cool in summer, it's important to understand why it's necessary. Cats do not sweat like humans do; they have very few sweat glands meaning they use other tricks to cool themselves down. Grooming themselves is a key way your cat will cool themselves down, as the saliva evaporate and help to cool down. They are also likely to take long naps in a cool spot on a hot day and they may also use panting to cool themselves down.   3 reasons overheating is dangerous for your cat Heatstroke: This is a life-threatening condition that can cause organ failure. Dehydration: High temperatures can quickly lead to dehydration, impacting your cat's overall health. Burns: Hot surfaces like pavements can burn a cat’s sensitive paw pads.   Recognising Signs of Overheating Even with these precautions, it’s vital to know the signs of overheating in cats so you can act quickly if necessary. Watch out for: Excessive panting: Unlike dogs, cats don't pant often, so this is a significant red flag. Lethargy: If your cat seems unusually tired or weak, they might be overheated. Drooling: Excessive drooling can be a sign of heat stress. Red or pale gums: These can indicate that your cat is overheating. Vomiting and diarrhoea: These symptoms can accompany heatstroke. If you notice any of these signs, it’s essential to act immediately. Move your cat to a cooler area, offer water, and use cool (not cold) water to dampen their fur. Contact your veterinarian for further advice.   How to Keep Your Cat Cool in Summer Battersea have put together 7 helpful ways you can help keep your cat safe and cool this summer 1. Use suncream If you have an outdoor cat with light coloured fur they are likely at risk of getting sunburned. If your cat will allow you to try putting some animal friendly suncream on them to help prevent sunburn. We love the BeSunsafe sun protection as it is also insect repelling and is full of natural ingredients. 2. Provide plenty of shade Make sure there are plenty of shady spots in your garden for your cat to lay in to help keep them cool whilst they are outdoors. 3. Provide Plenty of Fresh Water One of the simplest yet most effective ways to keep your cat cool in summer is ensuring they have access to fresh, clean water at all times. Consider placing multiple water bowls around your home to encourage your cat to drink more frequently. You might also invest in a cat water fountain, which can be more appealing to cats due to the continuous flow of water. We love the Catit Pixi fountain, it comes in 4 fun colours and provides your cat with a 24/7 stream of water to drink from. 4. Keep inside your house cool Maintaining a cool indoor environment is crucial for keeping cats cool in summer, especially indoor cats. Here are some tips to achieve this: Air Conditioning and Fans: If possible, keep the air conditioning on during hot days. Fans can also help circulate air, but ensure they are safe and out of your cat's reach. Curtains and Blinds: Close curtains or blinds during the hottest parts of the day to block out direct sunlight. Netting frames: Fit netted frames over your windows in summer so you can keep your home well ventilated without worrying about your cat escaping Cool Spots: Create cool spots for your cat to lounge in. This could be a tiled bathroom floor, a shaded area, or a cool mat designed for pets. 5. Don’t overexcite your cat Keeping your cat calm will help them stay cool on really hot days. For playful cats try putting down a couple of ice cubes for them to play with whilst keeping them hydrated and cool. 6. Check your shed Your cat may choose to hide from the sun in your shed or garage if they have been open so make sure to check for your cat before closing them! 7.Know the signs of heatstroke in cats Heatstroke can be really serious and acting quickly is important in keeping your cat safe. Here’s what you need to watch out for Agitation Stretching out and breathing rapidly Extreme distress Skin hot to the touch Glazed eyes Vomiting and drooling Conclusion Keeping cats cool in summer is a vital part of pet care. By providing plenty of fresh water, creating a cool environment, grooming regularly, and being vigilant for signs of overheating, you can ensure your cat stays safe and comfortable. Incorporate these cooling tips for cats into your summer routine to help your feline friend enjoy the season without the stress of overheating. At Lords & Labradors, we offer a range of products designed to keep your pets comfortable and happy. Explore our collection of cooling mats, water fountains, and grooming tools to help keep your cat cool this summer.

    By Megan Willis

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  • Why Is My Cat Staring at Me?
    27.05.24 May 27, 2024 FAQs Featured

    Why Is My Cat Staring at Me?

    As a pet owner, you may have experienced moments when you catch your feline friend gazing intently at you. Whether you're sitting on the couch, working at your desk, or even waking up to those piercing eyes, you might find yourself wondering, "Why is my cat staring at me?" This seemingly mysterious behaviour can actually be quite fascinating once you understand the underlying reasons. Understanding Cat Behaviour Cats are known for their enigmatic and sometimes perplexing behaviours. Unlike dogs, who are often more expressive and direct in their actions, cats tend to be subtler in their ways. When your cat is staring at you, it can mean a variety of things, depending on the context and their body language. 1. Seeking Attention One of the most common reasons for your cat staring at you is them looking for your attention. Cats are independent creatures, but they also enjoy social interaction. If your cat stares at you and then starts meowing or purring, it's likely they want some affection, playtime, or even a treat. This is their way of communicating their needs and desires to you. 2. Curiosity and Observation Cats are naturally curious animals. They spend a lot of their time observing their surroundings and the people in their environment. When your cat is staring at you, they might just be curious about what you're doing. This is especially true if you're engaged in an activity that piques their interest, like cooking or using a computer. Their stare can be a sign of their inquisitive nature. 3. Bonding and Affection Believe it or not, a cat staring at you can be a sign of affection and bonding. Cats have a unique way of showing their love, and direct eye contact is one of them. This gesture indicates that your cat feels safe and comfortable around you. Giving your cat some fuss and attention when they do this will help to reinforce the bond. 4. Hunger or Expectation If your cat tends to stare at you around mealtime, they are likely reminding you that it's time to eat. Cats quickly learn routines and can be quite persistent when they're hungry. Staring can be their way of signalling that they expect you to fill their food bowl or give them a treat. 5. Health and Well-being Sometimes, a cat’s staring can be related to their health. If your cat seems to be staring at you more than usual and displays other unusual behaviours like lethargy, changes in appetite, or vocalisations, it might be a sign of an underlying health issue. It’s always a good idea to consult with a vet if you notice any significant changes in your cat's behaviour. 6. Instinctual Behaviour Cats are natural hunters, and staring is a part of their predatory instinct. When they fix their gaze on something, they are essentially in a hunting mode. If your cat is staring at you, they might be practicing their hunting skills. This behaviour is more common in younger cats and kittens who are still honing their instincts. Decoding Your Cat’s Body Language To fully understand why your cat is staring at you, it’s important to pay attention to their overall body language. Here are some key indicators to watch for: Relaxed Body and Ears: If your cat’s body is relaxed, ears are in a neutral position, and they are softly blinking, the stare is likely affectionate. Tense Body and Pinned Ears: A stiff body and ears pinned back could indicate that your cat is feeling threatened or anxious. In this case, the stare might be a warning sign. Dilated Pupils: Wide, dilated pupils can indicate excitement or fear. Assess the situation to determine the cause of this reaction. Tail Position: A tail that is held high and twitching slightly can show curiosity or happiness, while a fluffed-up tail indicates fear or aggression. How to Respond to Your Cat’s Stare Responding to your cat’s stare appropriately can help strengthen your bond and ensure their needs are met. Here are some tips: Acknowledge Them: If your cat is staring at you for attention, take a moment to pet them, play with them, or simply talk to them. This helps reinforce positive behaviour. Observe Their Needs: If the stare is accompanied by meowing near their food bowl, it’s probably time for a meal. Ensure you maintain a consistent feeding schedule. Provide Stimulation: Cats need mental and physical stimulation. Offer toys, climbing structures, and interactive play to keep them engaged. Our range of cat trees are designed to keep your cat stimulated and appeal their natural playful instinct. Health Check: If you notice any changes in behaviour along with the staring, schedule a vet visit to rule out any health issues. Conclusion Understanding why your cat is staring at you can deepen your relationship and ensure your feline friend is happy and healthy. Whether they are seeking attention, showing affection, or simply curious, recognising these behaviours can help you respond appropriately. Remember, each cat is unique, and their staring can have multiple meanings depending on the context. Pay attention to their body language and overall behaviour to decode their message accurately. By being attentive and responsive, you can create a nurturing environment that caters to your cat’s needs, making both of your lives more harmonious. So the next time your cat stares at you, take it as an opportunity to connect and understand your furry companion better. Shop everything you could need for your cat here at Lords & Labradors, from cat trees to food to toys we really have everything you could need.

    By Megan Willis

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  • Dog Walking: Harness or Collar?
    27.05.24 May 27, 2024 FAQs Featured

    Dog Walking: Harness or Collar?

    A walk is one of your dog’s favourites parts of the day, however, choosing the right equipment is crucial for a comfortable and safe experience. The primary debate for many dog owners is whether to use a harness or a collar. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice often depends on your dog’s breed, size, health, and behaviour. In this article, our Pet Experts explore the differences between harnesses and collars to help you make an informed decision. Harness vs Collar: What’s the Difference? A harness is designed to distribute pressure evenly across a dog’s chest and back, while a collar sits around the neck. This fundamental difference in design means that each has distinct impacts on your dog’s comfort and health. Dog Harnesses Advantages of Using a Harness Better Control: Harnesses provide more control, especially for larger or more energetic dogs. They are ideal for training and managing dogs that tend to pull on the lead. Reduced Risk of Injury: By distributing pressure across the chest, a harness reduces the risk of neck injuries. This is particularly important for breeds prone to respiratory problems or those with a delicate trachea, such as Pugs or Yorkshire Terriers. Prevents Escaping: A well-fitted harness can prevent dogs from slipping out, which is a common issue with collars. This added security is beneficial for dogs that are known escape artists. Versatility: Many harnesses come with additional features like handles for extra control, or reflective strips for better visibility during nighttime walks. Disadvantages of Using a Harness Complexity: Harnesses can be more complicated to put on and take off compared to collars. This can be a hassle for both the dog and the owner if the dog is particularly fidgety Dislike: Not all dog’s like the sensation of having a harness put over their head, however getting them used to a harness early can help with this. Comfort: If not properly fitted, a harness can cause chafing or discomfort. It's essential to ensure that the harness is the right size and adjusted correctly. Limited Styles: While harnesses come in various designs, they may not offer the same stylish options as collars, which can be a consideration for those who like their pets to make a fashion statement. Our Top 3 Harnesses Here at Lords & Labradors we put a lot of time into sourcing the best walking accessories for your pup. We want them to be both practical and stylish, here are our top 3 harnesses. Ruffwear Front Range Harness: The Ruffwear Front Range Harness allows you to enjoy your outdoor adventures with your favourite canine companion wherever you're going. It has 4 points of adjustment allowing full range of motion. The Front Range harness also has clips on both the front and back allowing you more control over your dog and helps to distribute any pressure more evenly when your dog pulls. Cocopup NAKD Harness: The Cocopup Nakd Harness fuses style and practicality together. It comes in seven stylish colours and has matching collars and leads available. With adjustable neck and chest straps, a safety locking feature, and 4 sizes to choose from, you can be sure to find the perfect fit for your pup. The clasps also have a safety locking feature which is great for any pups who have a habit of escaping their harness. Barbour Travel and Exercise Harness: The Barbour Travel & Exercise Dog Harness seamlessly blends comfort and safety, making it an ideal choice for both exercise and travel. Crafted by Barbour, this harness features a padded chest and adjustable straps to ensure a secure and comfortable fit for your dog. The reflective piping enhances visibility during nighttime walks, providing peace of mind, while the integrated car seatbelt loop keeps your pup secure during car journeys. The harness also features Barbour's iconic tartan pattern which you can match to your own Barbour quilted jacket, so you and your pup can be the most stylish pair in the park. Dog Collars Advantages of Using a Collar Simplicity: Collars are straightforward to put on and take off, making them convenient for daily use. Identification: Collars can hold ID tags, making it easier to identify your dog if they get lost. Some harnesses have this feature, but collars are typically more reliable for this purpose. Training: Collars can be useful for training purposes, particularly for dogs that respond well to quick corrections. Variety: Collars come in a wide range of styles, colours, and materials, allowing for personalisation and fashion-forward choices. Disadvantages of Using a Collar Risk of Injury: Collars can cause neck injuries, especially if the dog pulls hard or if sudden pressure is applied. This is a significant concern for dogs with delicate necks or those prone to respiratory issues. Limited Control: Collars do not provide the same level of control as harnesses, making them less effective for managing stronger dogs who like to pull. Choking Hazard: Dogs that pull on the lead can experience choking or discomfort with collars, potentially leading to negative associations with walking. Our Top 3 Collars Lords & Labradors Essentials Collars: Our Essentials Twill and Herdwick collars are the perfect lightweight collar. They are available in 7 sizes and are handcrafted in Italy. Featuring sturdy silver hardware and leather accents, these collars are a durable choice for your pup. Whether you pick the bobbly woven texture of Herdwick or the lovely linen texture of Twill, your dog will be stepping out in style with our Essentials collars. Lords & Labradors Italian Padded Leather Collars: Our padded leather collars are consciously hand crafted in Italy, using the finest Italian leather. They come in six sizes and have a soft padding round the inside of the collar making them super comfy for your dog. These are a great choice, paired with our leads it’s sure to look stylish Dogs & Horses Soft Rolled Leather Collar: Made from a butter soft leather, these rolled collars are a great choice for long haired dogs as the rolled shape stops the hair from matting. These collars are made using heritage craftsmanship here in England and are available in a large range of both sizes and colours. Collar or Harness for Dog Walking: Making the Right Choice When deciding between a dog harness vs collar, consider your dog’s specific needs and behaviours. Here are some factors to keep in mind: Breed and Size: Larger breeds or those with respiratory issues may benefit more from a harness. Smaller breeds with less pulling power may do well with a collar. Health Conditions: Dogs with neck or spinal issues should avoid collars to prevent further injury. A harness can provide a safer option. Training Needs: If your dog is still learning lead manners, a harness can offer better control and reduce the risk of injury. For well-trained dogs, a collar may suffice. Activity Level: Active dogs that participate in sports or outdoor adventures may need the added security and control of a harness. Is a Harness Better Than a Collar? Ultimately, whether a harness or collar is better depends on your dog. For most dog owners, a harness is often the more practical choice, particularly for walks and outdoor activities. However, collars remain a convenient and stylish option for everyday use, especially when fitted with ID tags for quick identification, and some dogs do walk better with a collar rather than a harness. This is one of them things that has no right answer, it will ultimately come down to what suits your lifestyle and which your dog walks better with. In conclusion, both harnesses and collars have their place in a dog’s wardrobe. By understanding the pros and cons of each, you can make an informed decision that best suits your dog's needs and lifestyle. Whether you choose a harness or collar, the most important factor is ensuring that your dog is comfortable, safe, and happy during your walks together. Here at Lords & Labradors we have a wide range of designer walking accessories, with both luxurious and practical options to suit every dog’s unique needs. Shop our collection here.

    By Megan Willis

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  • Do Dogs Get Hayfever?
    13.05.24 May 13, 2024 Health Featured

    Do Dogs Get Hayfever?

    As the seasons change and pollen fills the air, many of us find ourselves battling the dreaded symptoms of hayfever. But what about our furry companions? Can dogs suffer from hayfever too? In this article, our Pet Experts explore the intriguing question: do dogs get hayfever? Can Dogs Get Hayfever? The short answer is yes, dogs can indeed suffer from hayfever, although it's not as common as it is in humans. Just like people, dogs can be allergic to various environmental allergens such as pollen, dust mites, mold, and even certain foods. Symptoms of Hayfever in Dogs: Identifying hayfever in dogs can be a bit tricky since they can't tell us how they're feeling. However, there are some telltale signs that your furry friend may be suffering from allergies: Itchy skin: One of the most common symptoms of hayfever in dogs is constant scratching or licking of the skin, particularly around the face, paws, and belly. If they have itchy skin it’s worth bathing them in a shampoo designed of sensitive skin, like the PetPlex derma doctor shampoo, especially after any long walks outside in grassy ares to help minimise their symptoms. Watery eyes: If your dog's eyes are red, watery, or swollen, it could be a sign of hayfever. Sneezing and coughing: Just like humans, dogs with hayfever may sneeze or cough frequently, especially after exposure to allergens. Ear infections: Allergies can also contribute to ear infections in dogs, so keep an eye out for excessive ear scratching or head shaking. Runny nose: Nasal discharge or a runny nose is another common symptom of hayfever in dogs. Can Dogs Get Hayfever Tablets? Yes, there are hayfever tablets available for dogs that can help alleviate their symptoms. These tablets typically contain antihistamines, which work by blocking the histamine receptors in your dog's body, reducing the allergic response. However, it's crucial to consult with your vet before giving your dog any medication, as some human antihistamines can be toxic to dogs and it’s crucial to get the right dose for their size. Can Dogs Get Hayfever Eyes? Absolutely! Dogs can experience allergic conjunctivitis, commonly known as hayfever eyes. Symptoms include redness, swelling, and itching around the eyes, as well as excessive tearing or discharge. If you notice these symptoms in your dog, it's essential to consult with your vet to determine the best course of treatment. Conclusion: In conclusion, dogs can indeed suffer from hayfever, experiencing symptoms such as itching, sneezing, watery eyes, and a runny nose. If you suspect that your dog may be suffering from hayfever, it's crucial to consult with your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. With the right care and management, you can help keep your canine companion comfortable and allergy-free all year round. Here at Lords & Labradors we pride ourselves on our in-house team of Pet Experts, between them they have years of pet owning experience and are on hand to answer queries about our products and their suitability - chat to them here.

    By Megan Willis

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