SS24 REBEL / new stuff


To you, who choose to become the masters of your own destiny and  hold the light high, illuminating new paths across the darkness of ignorance.


May your Innate leadership rise and never be brought down by the resistance of others, but elevated by the resilience of self-purpose.

Explore an array of textures, materials, colors, and treatments that offer boundless freedom for expressing your unique style across various occasions.

You can't miss out our powerful signature collection of extraterrestrial and earthly overalls, designed to empower you in all your challenging daily battles. Be the outward expression of your inner warrior and stay strong here and now.

You can't miss out our powerful signature collection of extraterrestrial and earthly overalls, designed to empower you in all your challenging daily battles. Be the outward expression of your inner warrior and stay strong here and now.

Independence, strength, resilience, and sustainable vision in every second with the unique overall series by DEMOBAZA. These overalls provide confidence and keep you grounded while you effortlessly become a conduit for cosmic energies, giving them a successful earthly expression in the physical world of daily life here and now...

Independence, strength, resilience, and sustainable vision in every second with the unique overall series by DEMOBAZA. These overalls provide confidence and keep you grounded while you effortlessly become a conduit for cosmic energies, giving them a successful earthly expression in the physical world of daily life here and now...



    Regular price € 1,070.00 EUR

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      Regular price € 1,433.00 EUR