
Barn owl

Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Vote with nature in mind

Speak up for nature

With a General Election now confirmed for 4th July, it’s crucial that nature’s voice is heard.

The next government will have the huge responsibility of turning around our position as one of the most nature-depleted country in the world, with wildlife in freefall and climate graphs headed in the wrong direction.

Get ready to speak up for nature.

Join our online hustings event on Monday 10 June.

Robin on a garden spade

Photo, Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Make space for wildlife

Check out our gardening tips
Red-tailed bumblebee

Red-tailed bumblebee ©Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

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Gardening tools in the ground with flowers and a group of people in the distance

Start a wilder commuity

Create your space

Protecting wildlife for the future

Established sixty years ago by a small group of volunteers, Devon Wildlife Trust is the only charity that exists to protect all wildlife in Devon and to safeguard Devon’s unique natural environment. 

Tree nursery volunteers organising seed

Interested in volunteering?

Check out our roles
Vine House Farm field with red tractor and birds © Nicholas Watts, Vine House Farm Bird Foods

Vine House Farm ©Nicholas Watts, Vine House Farm Bird Foods

Are you a farmer or landowner?

We can help
lady with tree markhamblin

Woman aged 35-45 years 'hugging' pine tree, Abernethy Forest, Cairngorms National Park, Scotland, - Mark Hamblin/2020VISION

Can a wilder Devon be part of your life story?

Read more here

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The vital work we do for nature depends on the support of people who care about the future of Devon’s wildlife and wild places.

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