
Hey there!

Just the random thoughts of a quirky, weird, sometimes funny, woman over 40. Who, most days, is still trying to figure out who she is. About life, parenting, grief, love, aging, and the world around me. This is life totally uncensored and unfiltered through my eyes. Just me. My thoughts. My life. My story.

From the blog

The Lie I Created

By now we all know that I am a very inconsistent blogger. Sometimes I think I can only really write when my heart hurts. At least that’s when the words seem to flow more easily. Today I cried. It’s the first time I have cried in I really don’t know how long. That’s why I…

Peacefulness of Being Alone

There’s something kinda peaceful about being alone. It’s calm. Quiet. Just being in your own space. Your own energy. I think this morning was the first time I actually really appreciated it. The silence of being alone. My days off are normally filled with a million things to do. Places to go. Not this week.…

To Double Text? Or Not To?

I am no expert at dating by any means. I mean how could I be? I really don’t do it. You spend so much time learning things about someone, telling them things about you. For what? So you can do it all over again in a month or so with someone new. I mean really,…

Hey there!

About Me

I’m just a woman over 40, who is currently learning how to relive life after the loss of my husband in 2018. I am weird, quirky, and loud. I do almost nothing by the books and live life my way. The momma to 5 of the most amazing kids on earth. You can try to argue with me on that one…I won’t believe ya if you say they’re not. I struggle every single day with being true to who I really am. Some days are good. Some days are bad. But every day, I learn something new and add to this story that I call My Life!!