Lower- and middle-income households may be eligible for subsidies or low-cost loans to install solar panels as part of a federal program.
AG Ashley Moody and FSU have asked for the conference’s TV contracts with ESPN, which involve hundreds of millions of dollars.
Rattlesnake Key is packaged with a nearby collection of smaller islands and a neighboring mainland property.
The Biden-Harris campaign has seized on abortion as a key campaign issue in Florida.
The suspended coaster will be the park’s first with an audio soundtrack as riders are made to feel they are soaring like a bird over the Tampa theme park.
Florida law bars executives from failed companies from being rehired in similar roles.
The project includes 629 new hotel rooms, a beachfront restaurant and a rooftop viewing terrace
Angel Gabriel Cuz-Choc is accused of beating the woman and child to death on Wednesday at a home on Sumner Road, deputies said.




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