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From the best gemstones and Czech glass to the coolest supplies, we carry it all.

the big green machine? way too much fun, and way too addictive. you've made your website very user friendly, especially for someone who is 'www.techchallenged' as i am. thanks! will share your site with other beading junkies. :) thanks for sharing your profits with the different charities. it's thoughtful people like each of you who give those in need, hope. we never know when we too may need the assistance/benefit of one of the named charities. happy week to all at lima beads!

Laura H. in Oklahoma City, OK

Hello Lima, Thank you so much for the beautiful gemstones! I have really enjoyed my experience with Lima Beads. The quality of your stones is spectacular! I can honestly say your website has the best quality stones I have yet to find locally or on the net. I will be a faithful customer keep the stones coming!

Ruth E. in Jacksonville, FL